Ecotone releases its Mission Report about year 2023!

Since October 2020, Ecotone achieved the status of a mission-led company, recognising its commitment to social and environmental impacts, not just financial gain. Read the Mission Report

Ecotone’s mission, within the meaning of Article 1835 of the French Civil Code, is as follows: ‘Promoting food that is good for people and biodiversity’.

The status of an ‘entreprise à mission’ is defined according to the French Law ‘PACTE’ (action plan for growth and business transformation).

Ecotone chose four societal and environmental commitments:

  1. Improve health and help preserve the environment thanks to a portfolio of products mainly from organic farming
  2. Encourage food and agricultural biodiversity by diversifying the plant species in our recipes
  3. Contribute to the preservation of wild biodiversity and the restoration of ecosystems by developing approaches that apply agricultural practices fostering biodiversity
  4. Raise awareness and engage our employees in achieving our mission

Read the Mission Report about year 2023: